‡graduate author, *undergrad author, Ɨ high school author
Dionysios Patriarcheas‡ , Taizina Momtareen‡, and Jennifer E.G. Gallagher Yeast of Eden: microbial resistance to glyphosate from a yeast perspective 2023 Current Genetics 15 (3) PMID: 36841230 RoundUp review
Signficance: Most organisms contain the canonical target pathway for glyphosate, the active ingredient in RoundUp but because glyphosate resembles glutamic and aspartic acid, other pathways that use those amino acids are also affected by glyphosate.
Ni Putu Dewi
Nurmalasari‡, Matthew J. Winans‡ Katelyn Perroz*, Victoria R.
Bovard*, Robert Anderson, Steve Smith, Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. Toxicity and
uptake of cellulosic copper nanoparticles require α-arrestins in S. cerevisiae. 2023 Metallomics 15 (3)
PMID: 3684123 Microscopy nanoparticles
Signficance: Cellolusic copper nanoparticles distribution through out the cell depends on proteins that internalize membrane bound proteins and reduce intracellular dynamics.
Mark Perfetto, Scotia Kirkham, Michael C. Ayers, Shuo Wei, and Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. 4-Methylcyclohexane methanol (MCHM) affects viability, development, and movement of Xenopus embryos. Toxicology Reports 2021; 8(1) 38-43. Xenopus MCHM paper
Signficance: Established the lethal does of MCHM on tadpoles and at lower levels it paralyzes them.
Michael C. Ayers, Zachary N. Sherman, and Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. Stress Responses and Nutrient Starvation in MCHM Treated Yeast. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2020; 10(12) 4665-4678. MCHM screen paper
Significance: The yeast knockout collection was screened for MCHM sensitive yeast. Acidification of the vacuole and mitochondrial function are important for MCHM tolerance. Initially yeast stop growing from nutrient starvation and eventually DNA damage appears.
Jordan B Barney*, Matthew J Winans‡, Catherine B Blackwood*, Amuary Pupo, and Jennifer EG Gallagher. The Yeast Atlas of Appalachia: Species and Phenotypic Diversity of Herbicide Resistance in Wild Yeast. Diversity 2020; 12 (4), 139 Yeast Atlas paper
Signficance: There are more yeast species in pristine areas while areas with long-term use of herbicides such as RoundUp are linked to increase RoundUp resistance in S. cerevisae.
Ravishankar A‡, Pupo, A, and Gallagher JEG. Resistance mechanisms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to commercial formulations of glyphosate involve DNA damage repair, the cell cycle and the cell wall structure. G: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 2020; 10(6) 2043-2056. RNAseq RoundUp paper
Signficance: The inert ingredients in commercial formulations of RoundUp causes cell cycle arrest but the active ingredient only does not. RNAseq and In-Lab Evolution point to the cell wall as a target for the glyphosate based herbicides.
Ravishankar A‡, Cumming JR, and Gallagher JEG. Mitochondrial metabolism is crucial in response and resistance mechanisms of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on exposure to a glyphosate-based herbicide. Environmental Pollution 2020; 262 114359. RoundUp QTL paper
Signficance: Genetic analysis of a population of yeast descended from a RoundUp resistant and sensitive parents found genes linked to mitochondrial function. In RoundUp resistant yeast, genes encoding mitochondrial proteins duplicated in the genome. During RoundUp exposure resistant yeast also increased their iron levels which are important for mitochondrial function.
Winans MJ‡ and Gallagher JEG. Metallomic and Lipidomic Analysis of S. cerevisiae Response to Cellulosic Copper Nanoparticles Uncover Drivers of Toxicity. Metallomics 2020;12(5) 799-812. Lipidomics paper
Signficance: Copper nanoparticles damage lipids rather than DNA.
Gallagher JEG., Ser SL‡, Ayers MC‡, Nassif C*, Pupo A. The polymorphic PolyQ tail protein of the Mediator Complex, Med15, regulates variable response to stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020;21(5) p1894-1918. PMID: 32164312
Signficance: Changing the number of glutamine repeats in a protein that contributes to gene expression changes the yeast tolerance to a wide range of chemicals.
Winans MJ‡, Yamamoto Y, Fujimaru Y, Kusaba Y, Gallagher JEG, Kitagaki H. Saccharomyces arboricola and its hybrids’ propensity for sake production: interspecific hybrids reveal increased fermentation abilities and a mosaic metabolic profile. Fermentation 2020 6(1) p14. Hybrid Sake paper
Signficance: Hybrids between yeast species make them cold tolerant and diversify the aroma profile in sake.
Pupo A, Ku KM, Gallagher JEG. Effects of MCHM on yeast metabolism. PLoS One. 2019;14(10):e0223909. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0223909. eCollection 2019. MCHM omics paper.
Signficance: Amino acid levels decrease while lipids increase in MCHM exposure.
Amuary Pupo,, Michael C. Ayers, Zachary N. Sherman, Rachel J. Vance, Jonathan R. Cumming and Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. 2019. MCHM Acts as a Hydrotrope, Altering the Balance of Metals in Yeast. In Press Biological Trace Elements Research MCHM hydrotrope
Signficance: Hydrotropes increase the solubility of compounds and induce liquid phase transitions. MCHM acts as a hydrotrope in vitro and in vivo changes the expression of metal transport genes causing zinc and iron levels to increase.
Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. Proteins and RNA sequences required for the transition of the t-Utp complex into the SSU processome. 2019 FEMS Yeast Research. Jan 1:19(1). SSU processome maturation
Signficance: The transcription associated UTP proteins associate to the growing pre-rRNA first.
Xiaoqing Rong-Mullins, Michael C. Ayers‡, Mahmoud SummersƗ, and Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. Transcriptional profiling of S. cerevisiae reveals the impact of variation of a single transcription factor on differential gene expression in 4NQO, fermentable, and non-fermentable carbon sources. 2018 G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics Feb 1: 892, 607-619. Yrr1 and 4NQO
Significance: Major mechanism of 4NQO toxicity is ROS production during respiration-dependent metabolism.
Xiaoqing Rong-Mullins, Apoorva Ravishankar, Kirsten A. McNeal*, Zachery R. Lonergan*, J. Philip Creamer*, Audrey C. Biega*, and Jennifer E.G. Gallagher. Genetic variation in Dip5, an amino acid permease, and Pdr5, a multiple drug transporter, regulates glyphosate resistance in S. cerevisiae. PLoS One Nov 20;12(11):e0187522. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0187522 Dip5 and Pdr5
Significance: Discovered the import and export pathways of the herbicide, RoundUp into yeast.
Xiaoqing Rong-Mullins, Matthew Winans, Justin B. Lee, Zachary R. Lonergan, Lyndsey M. Weatherly, Thomas W. Carmenzind, Lihua Jiang, Jonathan R. Cumming, Gloria Oporto, Jennifer E. G. Gallagher. 2017 Proteomic and genetic analysis of S. cerevisiae response to soluble copper leads to improvement of antimicrobial function of cellulosic copper nanoparticles. 2017 Metallomics 9 (9) 1304-1315. doi: 10.1039/C7MT00147A c-CuNP paper
Significance: Modulating the balance between copper and zinc to alter the sensitivity to antimicrobial hybrid-metal nanomaterials.